Flight Crew Tax and Per Diem FAQs

Can I change per diem rates or calculations if I disagree with them?

How many years are EZPerDiem per diem rates kept?

I found a discrepancy with a per diem rate. How do I report it?

How can I amend my tax return?

How do I enter my domicile during training for per diem deduction?

How do I enter international trips or red-eyes that start late and finish early?

How much of my cell phone bill can I deduct?

Can I write of haircuts, manicures, socks, underwear, and other similar expenses?

Why is the first day and last day of a trip show 75%?

Can I change the proration rate of partial days?

How do I enter the data in my tax report into TurboTax?

How do I deduct meals and food expenses?

What is a tax home?

Why do international pilots and flight attendants benefit more?

Why does EZPerDiem need to know my domicile?

Why do I have to enter layovers?

Can I deduct my cell phone?

How do I determine the amount of my cell phone bill or internet bill that is business related?

What are the four tests to determine if an expense is tax deductible?

Can I deduct my computer or internet?

What does it mean to substantiate an expense?

Can I deduct haircuts, manicures, makeup, socks, underwear, shaving cream, etc.?

Why is EZPerDiem giving me a deduction for M&IE on my last day at my domicile?

Why is the last day of my trip at my domicile showing a different per diem rate for each trip?

Can I write off meal expenses on day-trips?

What am I deducting when I enter my layovers?

Do I need to keep a receipt for meal expenses?

Why might a pilot or flight attendant not benefit from these tax deductions?

Why are the per diem calculations not available until the end of the tax year?

What exactly is the per diem deduction?

If my employer pays per diem, how do I write that off?

Do I need to subtract of my nontaxable per diem from my employer?

How do I find my nontaxable per diem reimbursement from my employer?

How do I know the per diem rates are accurate?

How do I enter domiciles?

If I commute can I write off my crash pad?

What are the most common expenses flight attendants and pilots should deduct?

Can I write off meal expenses on stand-up (high-speed or continuous duty) overnights?

What is the difference between taxable per diem and nontaxable per diem?

How do I handle different time zones?

Why is the first and last day only showing 75%?

Does EZPerDiem work for military pilots?

If I fly in the national guard, how do I enter those days I was on military duty?

If my spouse is also a crewmember, do we need two accounts?

What happens to expenses I enter in the Expense Processor?

Is every expense listed in the Expense Processor deductible?

How do I quickly enter van driver tips?

Can I enter 4 letter codes into the Layover Entry Page?

Why is it important that the date be correct for a given layover?

What is actually being deducted by using EZPerDiem?

Do I need to keep receipts for my meals or incidental expenses?

Does EZPerDiem use the special rate for transportation workers?

Does EZPerDiem take into account the transition period in October?

Do I need to keep receipts for my meals or incidental expenses?

How can I get my EZPerDiem receipt for any tax year?

If I didn't benefit, how can I get refunded?

Where do I enter the time that I started a trip?

Can I write off parking fees as a flight crewmember?

Can I write of LTD (Long Term Disability) or LOL (Loss of License) insurance?

How do I enter domiciles if I was in training or started a new job?

How can I share EZPerDiem using my promo code

What's all this about?

EZPerDiem helps pilots and flight attendants with their flight crew taxes by:

  • Calculating your per diem deduction using two methods!
  • Helping you find flight crew tax deductions you are not aware of!
  • Organizing all the deductions on a Final Tax Report!
  • Making it easy for you to give the report to an account or enter into TurboTax!

Money-Back Guarantee

If you do not benefit, we will provide a 100% refund!

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